Thursday, January 22, 2009

a little kitchen art

Here is a quick glimpse of what happens when dad and M get up early and creative in the kitchen. The flower skillet creation was my stack. They had barnyard animals and all! I am amazed by what they were able to create... all without COFFEE! It takes a good 20 minutes after my first cup just to process thought.
Enjoy this wonderful day. We are getting ready to head outside and play!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Birthday girls

Photo taken by A. AshEarly this morning we got the call (from SK) that our precious granddaughter had arrived by c-section and mom and baby are both doing fine. We were giddy with joy and wanted every detail in time to share it with the new "aunts" when they got up. The day was already full of the birthday plans for our 9 year-old, but having your niece born on your birthday is the best gift of all. Words just can't describe how blessed we feel.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

enjoying the break

This has been a wonderful break! Our family has had so much fun with Christmas, then a mini vacation and planning birthday parties as soon as we arrived back home. I always seem to be scrambling planning for these that arrive so soon after I find myself exhaling from the holiday schedule. The girls and I took time this weekend making invitations (above) for a doll party. I am so glad that we took the time to do these, they turned out so sweet but the best part was the time spent together... priceless. We even found some cute little dolls to make from gloves. So, save all those loners you find at the end of the season and give these a whirl.
FYI- due to the needs of my family I will not be taking any sessions until the end of Feb. Thanks to those of you that have already booked. I look forward to capturing the blessings in your life.