Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sweet B

We have all been having such a ball getting to know this precious baby, and watching mom doll her up with bows and dad take them out! B is not crazy about the tutu yet, but I think that J likes it enough for the two of them. Looks like I need to get to the fabric store before she gets any ideas.....she already asked about the whereabouts of the pretty pink dress : )

Monday, March 16, 2009


Two of our three are now home. Thanks for all the prayers for their safe travel. Here are a few shots we took early this morning. She has been a busy little girl, introducing herself to the dog and stealing quite a few hearts! I am sure that there will be oodles more to post in the future but I can’t really hold her and take pictures : ) so, I will just hold her.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

simply beautiful

She is nine days old and simply beautiful. This little one couldn't be blessed with a sweeter family. I am working on the announcements now so don't want to post more and spoil the surprise.

Friday, March 6, 2009

three...happy birthday J!

One day when J was dressed especially three, I grabbed the camera and followed with the intension of catching her in the midst of being three while she was looking three and calling them... you guessed it, her three year-old pictures. I LOVE having camera in hand and observing our children. I saw how intent and focused she is as she studied bugs and weeds. How strong and independent, telling the dog “it’s time to get the mail,” and marching it up to the house, opening all the doors (herself) and putting everything where it goes once inside. I just followed, capturing one of my life’s blessings. Watching her personality unfold is always such a treat. Kinda like slowly unwrapping a gift from the Lord; we see a little more each day.