Monday, September 22, 2008

little lessons - worth their weight in gold

Sometimes I get stuck in the daily grind and to busy to notice the sweet innocence and wonder in our children. I am so thankful for the simple things they do that snap me back to the reality of just how blessed I am and the need to take time to stop and breathe in every moment with them. M does this to me quite often and yesterday was one of those times. She received a phone call from her dearest friend. I passed by my room to find her snuggled up in my bed with our well-worn copy of The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter and the phone on speaker. It was the small voice of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle read in an English accent that captured my heart. She was reading it just as I had read it to her all those times. It was a mommy moment for me. The next time I am asked to stop and take a moment to read a story I hope I reflect back on this. It is not just that we stop and do it but how we do it that they remember. Thanks for the reminder M. I love you!

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