Saturday, September 4, 2010


Brodie and his Papa.

This summer has been so busy with family and building that I have abandoned the blog post.

During a visit to our son and daughter-in-laws, the kiddos pictures were playing like a slide show on their TV. I thought that was so neat! When these pictures of our "lil' man," Brodie, came up.... I had almost forgotten about them. Obviously, I take pictures because I enjoy the art of it, but oh, how I miss holding the print. When I first see a picture, I envision how it will be printed. I have several that beg to be on touchable canvas parading down their laughter-filled hallway, and others, so dear to my heart, that will be on velvet in our room. Now.... just need to start budgeting for the art : )

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Haven't had a lot of time to update this summer but must include this one - love this family's passion and commitment for living 'out loud' for what really matters. love them all!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Heroes

It is an honor to post a family I had the complete joy of shooting lately. They will soon be leaving the states and comfort of home to move to Turkey as missionaries. They are the, real life, heroes of faith that we read of all the time. My children form connections to peoples outside our daily 'world' by reading their letters and praying for their needs. I am sure that their sweet, sweet spirit and love with effect the lives of many.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

girls and horses

We started the summer off with the girls going to Rodeo Bible Camp. Our younger one and her horse had a great first camp experience. They worked hard together, had fun, and ended it all with a smile and new friends to boot!

Lauren finished off that camp as counselor and headed straight into her camp.... goat tying, of all things : ) She has a new found favorite sport!

She graduated, left for camp, and headed out for her summer internship hosting Rodeo Bible camps out West before I knew it. This will be a summer of little sleep, hard work, and few showers, but with a little sunshine, kids to love on, her Bible, and horses, she will be quite happy. I did not really feel like we got to say goodbye; well, we did but not in my normal over-sappy way. I suppose this season was busy with so many incredible things that it kept me from feeling my heart wince as one more stepped away from home, where we cherish them being. Believe me when I say that I processed it all later : ) cried a bit too!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Another BIG day - Graduation

Here are some pics from our oldest daughter's graduation. What a day - what a joy! We have been so blessed to spend countless hours with her as she worked on school. At the time some of those lessons seemed like they might never end (like math and chemistry experiments with Dad in my kitchen : 0) It was so wonderful to be there to celebrate each success... no matter how small. What a gift! Thanks for being so very teachable and diligent Lauren. You pressed through and you did it... even Physics : ) You are a blessing; we love you!
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans for you to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What a month!

It will take me a few updates to catch up - this has been quite an incredible month. I am just now settling down to get pictures sorted through and ready to post. Having our son and daughter-in-law in the country and so close for the birth our our sweet grandson, Brodie, was such a joy! He is healthy, precious, and very loved by his big sister, and aunts! Us as grandparents are smitten, once again : )

Friday, April 23, 2010

senior time

We have been working on senior sessions lately - will upload more soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

fourteen sweet little toes

Whew! I think our computer mishaps are finally fixed. Even though we did receive an awful virus, I think we will be better off. It took the old computer crashing for me to face the daunting challenge of setting up the new one. Sadly, I had been avoiding it..... for months it was just setting under the desk in its box. I knew it would take this computer-inept family weeks to set it up and install all the software. It did, three weeks to be exact, but it is now DONE!
I would much rather be spending my time capturing the blessings these 7 little ones and there 14 toes bring. What a precious family!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back in Action!!!

Just wanted to update since we didn't while we were on break. We made it through the cold winter by staying close to the fire and had a wonderful, restful time, which allowed us to focus on some health issues. We were blessed with a family trip to New Mexico where we were all able to ski and take pictures of course :) Now that spring has arrived we are back in full swing! -Lauren